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Home » Blog » Reviews of the Invicta™ Sim Racing Pedals Are Here!
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This blog post will be updated continuously as new reviews of the Invicta™ Sim Racing Pedals are published. Latest update: March 7th.
The wait is finally over.
For months we’ve been telling the world about our hydraulic Invicta™ Sim Racing Pedals and why we believe we have made something that will truly help sim racers perform better.
But of course, you shouldn’t just take our word for it!
Back in January, we started shipping Invicta™ Sim Racing Pedals to reviewers to give their honest take on the pedals.
The results are in, and below, we provide you with the overview and direct links to the full reviews.
Now! With no further ado, and in no particular order:
“We have been very impressed with the experience using the prototype pedals for around 3 months, and are happy to see the experience with the retail version is consistent…
Overall we love these pedals. While they certainly aren’t a one-size-fits-all product, they achieve what they set out to do exceptionally well and at what we believe to be a very reasonable price point.”
“… I still would give the full 10 points here (10/10 rating).
For me, this is probably the best pedal set that I have used so far. I will leave it on the rig. I don’t know what I could change on it…”
“So 1200 EUR/USD for the three-pedal set. Is it worth the money? Yes, I wanna say yes!
… For me as a serious sim racer where speed is important, would I spend 1200 EUR of my hard-earning money on this pedal set? Absolutely!”
“These are definitely the nicest pedals, I have ever used. Hands down!”
Everything from the build quality, to the way they feel, to their functionality, adjustability. And the effort that’s gone into the research and development into making these feel as close to real-life race pedals that you find in race cars…”
“I’m having great fun with them on my rig. I’d be super happy if I just own them forever and never had to put another set of pedals on there…
… I will tell you, hand on heart, I think it’s worth it. I really think they’re worth it.”
“Asetek is setting new standards when it comes to hydraulic brakes. There are currently no comparable products in this price range from competitors who recreate the brake 1:1, as is the case in real racing.
At this point, I have to say that I can no longer recommend load-cell pedals in the price range from 600 EUR upwards. Asetek makes load-cell solutions in high price ranges obsolete in my eyes, as hard as this may sound.“
“Asetek has really done their homework and the brake pedal feels bulletproof…
They really have been able to improve my lap times…
The overall performance of these pedals is up there with the best of them at the moment. If you were to buy these pedals, you will definitely not be disappointed.”
“The brake on this pedal set is absolutely unbelievable. Exactly the same feeling you get in a real car… It’s changed the game of how good a brake pedal can be in sim racing…
… All I’m missing really, is the G-force, and then it would feel exactly like the real thing.”