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Swapping Elastomers (Invicta Pedals)

Updated on February 29, 2024

Swapping the included elastomers will allow you to customize the resistance on your brake pedal.

Be aware that by adjusting which elastomer you use, you effectively change the amount of travel you get with a certain amount of applied force. For example, applying 50 kg of force to the pedal may give you 12mm of travel with the white elastomer, but only 6mm with the green elastomer (note: not actual numbers!).

You can adjust the pressure (bar) you want to be 100% brake force in RaceHub™.

Changing the elastomers is quick. Just follow these seven (7) simple steps:

1. Turn the outermost thumbnut counterclockwise until it comes off the shaft.


2. Turn the innermost, large thumbnut counterclockwise until it comes off the shaft.


3. The elastomer will now drop out, if not, simply pull it gently until removed from the shaft.
a. If you are experiencing difficulties with clearance, we suggest unmounting the pedals.


4. Insert your preferred elastomer (See elastomer chart for hardness)


5. Grab the larger thumbnut and turn it onto the shaft clockwise until you reach your preferred setting (see brake pedal preload adjustment).


6. Grab the small thumbnut and turn it onto the shaft clockwise until it locks the larger thumbnut in place


7. Recalibrate the pedals in RaceHub™

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