
Our Role in Society


As a global leader in mechatronic innovation, we acknowledge responsibility for reaching beyond our own apparent sphere of control and influence. Sitting idly by, while emissions and resource scarcity grows unchecked around us is a far cry from the Asetek identity we’ve worked hard to establish and come to love over the last two decades.

We thrive in influencing society positively, which is why take an active role in shaping our common future. Going above and beyond mere compliance characterizes everything we do, also when engaging in regulatory and political outreach to pave the way for a future with more energy-efficient data centers.

See our policies >
CSR report >




As a responsible company, we believe that sustainable behavior in every aspect of our business is a natural prerequisite for promoting innovation, building stronger relationships with customers and employees, and contributing to positive development in society. We wish to acknowledge our role in building a future where sustainability is more than just a hot topic, by working in close cooperation with key external stakeholders and lobbying transparently and responsibly for a greener future. This calls for innovative and value-based initiatives, honoring not only our own ambitions for sustainable growth and prosperity but those of society in general.

Gazing towards the horizon, we believe in the vast potential held by Asetek’s cooling technologies in disruptively transforming the rules of the game within our business category. This is why our people at Asetek work tirelessly at transforming not only how business is done in our field, but to impact the political and regulatory environment in which we exist, to allow for our progressive data center cooling technologies to help society mitigate the vast climate footprint of the data sector.


Asetek aspires to ensure excellent corporate citizenship in everything we do. Hence, we will not accept any form of bribery, corruption, or fraud. Our integrity and governance is the foundation of the many strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders on which we have built our business.   

In 2021, Asetek developed and implemented our Lobbyist policy. We’ve continued developing this policy in 2022, as we’ve become more knowledgeable on best practices in this complex field of political and regulatory outreach. The policy states, among other things, that Asetek believes in and is committed to full transparency when engaging in lobbyism.

Moving forward, we will also employ a greater focus on lobbying for sustainable awareness within our own ranks. Therefore, it is among our goals for the coming years to strengthen knowledge concerning Asetek’s goals for CSR and ESG internally. In 2023 we aim to reach a high level of understanding of the strategic foundation of Asetek’s CSR goals among 100% of our own employees


Although we’ve been met with the starch bureaucracy of the regulatory systems in which we operate, we aim to continue working tirelessly to influence the development of a greener future society. The interest taken by the public and thus the political decision-makers in the potential positive impact for the data sector held by our liquid cooling technologies have been underwhelming. But seeing as the need for and awareness surrounding the need for sustainable innovation show no signs of slowing down, we will continue our lobbying efforts for a greener future.

Regarding our mission concerning exceptional corporate citizenship, Asetek has – among other initiatives – joined the Conscious Advertising Network. A voluntary network of organizations, working to ensure the ethical integrity concerning the use of influencer marketing. With this engagement we are committed to complying with several principles:

  • We believe in full transparency for influencers and reviewers alike.
  • We will not accept that an influencer or reviewer takes payment without disclosing this transparently in the coverage.
  • We will enforce a strict separation of reviews and sponsorships.

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